
Jen McKenna …The time I did an IRONMAN!!

Jen McKenna …The time I did an IRONMAN!!

An Ironman?  Throwback to 2016 when I was walking the West Highland Way with three friends. I met a woman walking it on her own wearing a buff with ‘Ironman’ on it. I asked her what an 'Ironman' was, and felt inspired by her story. Although I have very little...

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Myrah Robb: Ironman Edinburgh 70.3 Race Report

Myrah Robb: Ironman Edinburgh 70.3 Race Report

Completed, injury free and mentally sane....phew! Loved every bit but wish it hadn’t been so hot for the run and I wasn’t so soaked by hoses by the end. The support crew from our club was overwhelming and thrilling! The support at home was unexpected and amazing. My...

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Alvaro Martin: From heavyweight to GB age group athlete

Alvaro Martin: From heavyweight to GB age group athlete

Alvaro has been working with me for the past 2 years and has an interesting story to tell: Who am I? Why am I writing this? Well, the best thing to do is start from the beginning, or maybe from the end. The beginning is I'm a Spanish guy living in Scotland, the end is...

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Sarah Ormerod: Balancing the immune system

Sarah Ormerod: Balancing the immune system

January has been and gone, but those pesky winter bugs are still hanging around.  For a number of reasons, this time of year is one when most of us have to work that little bit harder to stay healthy; the repercussions of burning the candle over the festive season,...

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