by Karl Zeiner | Jun 8, 2021 | Adventure
Here is a short account of our recent holiday to the Highlands in a hired camper with the pictures telling the other half of the story. Our first holiday since summer 2020 but as usual it isn’t a lounging around type of affair. We tend to end up more fatigued by the...
by Karl Zeiner | May 6, 2021 | Cycling, Gear, Product Review, Review, Training, Training Sessions
See my previous post about the smart trainer set up I have in our small flat. Over course of the last 6-7 months I’ve tried to use the most common smart trainer apps based on what I was seeing others using, what my clients were using and what was mentioned on online...
by Karl Zeiner | May 4, 2021 | Gear, Product Review
In October 2020 I bought a Wahoo Kickr v5, so a direct drive smart trainer to use in the flat. I hadn’t ridden indoors for years although I owned a very basic wheel on turbo trainer but that had found its way to the skip due to lack of use. In general my preference...
by Karl Zeiner | Oct 26, 2019 | DZF Athlete Race Report, Ironman, Race Reports, Triathlon
The Journey officially started to become a reality back in early January when the decision to sign up for an Ironman distance event took hold initially as an “I wonder if” to “oh shit that was far too easy to sign up for” no going back now then, Barcelona it is! The...
by Karl Zeiner | Oct 3, 2019 | DZF Athlete Race Report, Ironman, Race Reports
After successfully finishing IM Edinburgh 70.3 I decided I could tackle something bigger, a full Ironman perhaps? After some thought I decided IM Bolton will be the race for me. It’s a long established IM event in its eleventh year. It’s in the UK which meant I...