Downhill reps

Yesterday I did a series of downhill repetitions with one of my athletes in the Pentlands. To me this is an element of trail and hill running that is too often ignored. The approach is more likely that when in races (especially longer ones) to take the descents easy...

Quick Tip: How to pace a multi day event

Be it cycling, running or adventure racing, one of the most important things to consider is how to pace the event early on. Especially if the first couple of days are relatively short there is a huge temptation to “race” these days as if they are standalone events. A...

Engaging the Core

A few years ago when at the physio to have my shin splints treated, I was told that I had a strong core but didn’t use it. That statement puzzled me somewhat. More recently one of our club coaches asked me if I do a lot of core work based on what he could see of my...